Cutover Kick-Off Meeting

Set the Cutover scene, Provide Cutover guidance and visibility to the Key stakeholders

Engage with the key stakeholders and make them aware about what they can expect between now and the Go Live

Cutover Kick-Off Meeting, Step 3 of the Cutover Framework from Cutover Manager Services Ltd

One-off meeting

Get the traction from all the stakeholders at once. First opportunity to cross-check and validate the first assumptions gathered during the first 2 parts of the Cutover Initialization phase.  



  • Provide an overview of what is the Cutover
  • Share how the Cutover sessions will be articulated
  • Present & Confirm the key Stakeholders
  • Present & Confirm the Cutover Scope

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Andrew Grant

For some people within the programme, it might be the first Cutover meeting they will join. We know the importance to get things right.

The Kick-Off Meeting is meant for all Senior Management, Business, IT, Support, etc… Whoever might be involved & might have a dependency with the Cutover, e.g.: another Project Manager, Release Manager, Change Manager etc…


To make a first good impression, let’s make an easy & business friendly presentation!

Cutover Kick-Off Meeting Template Document

The objective of the Template document is to show how we can structure the presentation. Based on experiences with a large range of Stakeholders, it contains all the key information to set the scene, to set the organization’s expectation and provide visibility about the Cutover journey.


Click on each title to display the slide or download the template directly

[Project Name]

Cutover Kick-Off Meeting




Cutover Overview
Cutover Journey
Cutover Key Meetings
Cutover Communication Tools
Cutover Key Stakeholders
Cutover Components in Scope
Cutover Detailed Plan Format
Cutover Preparation Plan
Cutover HL Plan

Cutover GNG Criteria


Cutover Overview

Cutover Management has a wider impact than standard project management.

It needs to consider from the really detailed technical tasks to the high level business impact and articulate the approach at the senior executives level.  

Working in silos is no more possible, this is production!

Each task, each person, each information can have a significant impact on the Go Live, meaning a consequence on the production live environment. 

Cutover Management orchestrates the work across the organization to minimize the impact on your Business, your Customers, your Sales, etc… 

Cutover Journey

1. Plan: Identification of the steps and sequence of the steps

2. Dry Run: aka Rehearsal. Testing the plan in a Pre-Prod env

3. Lesson Learned: Check what went well, what went wrong, adjust the plan

4. Go Live: Production Cutover Execution

Note: 2. and 3. can be repeated several times depending on the projects.

Standard Cutover Journey

Cutover Key Meetings

List the different type of the meeting and their purpose during the Cutover Journey

Cutover Key Meetings

Cutover Communication Tools

List of the authorized tools to share & communicate the information like MS Teams, Confluence, Slack, Sharepoint, and also mobile app like Whatsapp, Signal and Telegram for Group messaging. And don't forget that there is always the phone directly call a person if needed. 

Standard Cutover Journey

Cutover Key Stakeholders

From Anyone who can help building the plan to anyone who can be impacted by the Go Live. The list will evolve and grow as we move forward on the cutover detailed plan

Cutover Components

List of Application or Tools that will be used/check/tested during the entire Cutover journey

  • Technology 1 
  • Technology 2
  • Application 1
  • Application 2
  • ...

Cutover Detailed Plan Format

Depending on whether you have a task automation tool or not, the objective of the slide is to present how are you going to fill up the Detailed Plan.

The key rule is: Each task is described with at least:

  • Description
  • System Impacted
  • Duration
  • Owner Group
  • Owner Name

Cutover Preparation Plan

The Cutover roadmap from now till the GO LIVE. List of the key workshops, the expected outcome of the phase, the list of key milestones and Cutover phases over the time. 

Here below is a High-Level Standard 3 Months Cutover Journey. Depending of the Company organization, the Cutover scope, and Cutover objective, the raodmap will be adjusted. The  objective is to get the Cutover organization clear, provide visibility on the expectation from the team and how they are going to be sollicitated during that period. 

Cutover Preparation Plan 3 Months Standard Example

Cutover High-Level Plan

Based on the Current assumptions gathered during the 1-1 interviews with key stakeholders

Cutover High-Level Plan Example

[Project Name] Cutover Kick-Off Meeting




Cutover Overview
Cutover Journey
Cutover Key Meetings
Cutover Communication Tools
Cutover Key Stakeholders
Cutover Components in Scope
Cutover Detailed Plan Format
Cutover Preparation Plan
Cutover HL Plan

Cutover GNG Criteria


Cutover Overview

Cutover Management has a wider impact than standard project management.

It needs to consider from the really detailed technical tasks to the high level business impact and articulate the approach at the senior executives level.

Working in silos is no more possible, this is production!

Each task, each person, each information can have a significant impact on the Go Live, meaning a consequence on the production live environment.

Cutover Management orchestrates the work across the organization to minimize the impact on your Business, your Customers, your Sales, etc…

Cutover journey

1. Plan: Identification of the steps and sequence of the steps

2. Dry Run: aka Rehearsal. Testing the plan in a Pre-Prod env

3. Lesson Learned: Check what went well, what went wrong, adjust the plan

4. Go Live: Production Cutover Execution

Note: 2. and 3. can be repeated several times depending on the projects.

Standard Cutover Journey

Cutover Key Meetings

List the different type of the meeting and their purpose during the Cutover Journey

Cutover Key Meetings

Cutover Key Meetings

Cutover Communication Tools

List of the authorized tools to share & communicate the information like MS Teams, Confluence, Slack, Sharepoint, and also mobile app like Whatsapp, Signal and Telegram for Group messaging. And don’t forget that there is always the phone directly call a person if needed. 

Cutover Key Stakeholders

From Anyone who can help building the plan to anyone who can be impacted by the Go Live. The list will evolve and grow as we move forward on the cutover detailed plan

Cutover Components

List of Application or Tools that will be used/check/tested during the entire Cutover journey

  • Technology 1
  • Technology 2
  • Application 1
  • Application 2


Cutover Detailed Plan Format


Depending on whether you have a task automation tool or not, the objective of the slide is to present how are you going to fill up the Detailed Plan.

The key rule is: Each task is described with at least:

  • Description
  • System Impacted
  • Duration
  • Owner Group
  • Owner Name

Cutover Preparation Plan

The Cutover roadmap from now till the GO LIVE. List of the key workshops, the expected outcome of the phase, the list of key milestones and Cutover phases over the time.

Here below is a High-Level Standard 3 Months Cutover Journey. Depending of the Company organization, the Cutover scope, and Cutover objective, the raodmap will be adjusted. The  objective is to get the Cutover organization clear, provide visibility on the expectation from the team and how they are going to be sollicitated during that period.

Cutover Preparation Plan 3 Months Standard Example

Cutover Preparation Plan 3 Months Standard Example

Cutover High-Level Plan

Based on the Current assumptions gathered during the 1-1 interviews with key stakeholders

Cutover Preparation Plan 3 Months Standard Example

Cutover Go-No-Go Criteria Template

The list of key Project & Cutover activities to secure the Business Go Live and a smooth transition. The below list is a standard list, we retrieve in most Project/Cutover organization. You will have to adapt depending on yours. 

At the Kick-Off meeting, it helps to keep providing visibility on the expectation and what we are going to track to reach a GO before Cutover execution

The Cutover Kick-Off Meeting Template Document


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Embarking on a cutover is a transformative journey. Our mission is to make this journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible. With our expert guidance and tailored approach, a successful go-live is within reach for anyone.

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