It & business work orchestration.

We Are A Global

Cutover Services Provider

For Smooth GO LIVEs

Hands-on Cutover Managers working and planning side by side with your Business
and IT teams to reduce downtime and misalignment at the Go Live


Keep ALL The Stakeholders

Aligned On The Cutover Picture

We help organizations master their Cutover requirements, considering project scale, IT infrastructure, team involvement, and business transformation goals.

With over a decade of Cutover management experience, we understand each event’s uniqueness and prioritize simplicity.

Our positive approach, using visual aids, aligns all teams for a seamless journey.

We foster collaboration, build confidence, ensure security, and bring a touch of fun, leading up to the exciting GO LIVE moment.


Cutover Advisory

We make sure you
are on the right path

  • Cutover Management Overview
  • Cutover Manager Request Review
  • Cutover Artefacts Review
  • Cutover communication advices
  • Go Live Preparation

Cutover Delivery

Cutover from A to Z 

  • Consultancy Services
  • Tailored Cutover Approach
  • Tailored Cutover Detailed Plan
  • Cutover Comms Plan
  • Cutover Optimization
  • Data Migration Approach
  • Dress Rehearsal Planning
  • Go Live Planning
  • Go-No-Go Criteria
  • Go Live Execution
  • Post Go Live coordination
  • Transition to BAU


Cutover Training

It’s all about the mindset at
the end

For internal resources or individuals who would like to learn more about Cutover Management and become a Cutover Manager

  • Common Cutover Best Practices
  • Common Cutover Manager Skills
  • How to build a Cutover Approach
  • How to build a Cutover Detailed PLan
  • Review Cutover Check List
  • Cutover Communication Skills

Advanced training available: Industry & Technology Specific

They Had Their Smooth GO LIVE

Over 16 years of experience

  • Every organization is unique, which is why each Cutover is inherently distinct. We have a deep appreciation for this uniqueness and a passion for successful Go-Lives. With over 10 years of experience in Cutover management, we recognize and embrace the individuality of each Cutover event in relation to your organization
  • With the appropriate Cutover mindset, we actively engage in collaboration with you as we embark on your Cutover Journey. Together, we work to foster confidence, security, and fun until the GO LIVE.

Looking for a
Smooth GO LIVE?

Recognizing the unique nature of each project, we specialize in assisting you in elucidating your Cutover requirements, establishing an optimal commencement timeline for your Cutover journey, and facilitating collaboration with the most suitable Cutover Manager to ensure a successful GO LIVE


We comprise a team of experienced, independent Cutover Managers, each possessing a wealth of expertise in Cutover Management.

Our collective aim is to provide you with a tailored Cutover Approach and a meticulously crafted Detailed Planning strategy, ensuring the seamless execution of your upcoming GO LIVE event.